Wednesday, September 10, 2008

After all it's all about the wordplay...

It may be a surprise to many - especially in a world where cyberspace seems to be taking over - that this whole concept of blogging is fairly new to me. While I have "blogged" before, I am still working out the kinks.

This blog, specifically, comes courtesy of a Critical Theory class I am enrolled in - the next step in achieving a major in English. Now you may be asking, "If she is an English major, shouldn't she already know about theories?" Incorrect, dear readers. While previous major requirements have enlightened me on the various styles of theory, none of them have truly gone in depth into the concept of theory.

While it is only the second or third day of starting this class, I must admit that this class already has promise. Not promise in the sense that it was going to beat theory to death, but that it is engaging and approaches theory from an interesting perspective. Already my class has contributed points about differences between reading for a class in high school and in college. Clearly, we all decided that college allows students to truly grasp at what a book is trying to convey. Rather than just reading to complete the assignment, we all read to understand the "theory" behind it. What really makes the book tick.

When the winter starts showing is cold, frosty face in the city of Boston, and finals are doing loops in many students brains, I hope to be able to post back on this blog with a statement about how much I enjoyed taking this class and how better prepared I feel about choosing English as my future career path.

Until next time....


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